Friday, February 19, 2010

Another Giant Step Forward

Wednesday William made another giant step forward in his recovery from the stroke. He passed a swallow study! He was able to swallow pudding and honey thicknesses with no issue and penetrated 1 out of three times with nectar.

So, for now, we are calling him safe to eat very thick foods. He is going to enjoy being able to eat chocolate pudding... the boy loves his chocolate!

We will schedule another swallow study in 4-6 more months and hope that his ability to swallow thinner liquids will have improved. I don't think we are going to get rid of his GJ tube any time soon but it will be fun for him to practice eating again!


Meghann said...

That's great Lisa! I bet he will have fun getting to eat pudding!

Angela said...

Lisa, that's great news!! Way to go William :) Better stock up on that chocolate pudding!! (((hugs)))
