Thursday, January 18, 2007

Climbing and Signing

Today Margaret showed me two new skills. She can now climb up on things that are the right height... namely the middle part of the sofa where I have removed the cushion.

Also, out of necessity, she is now signing and saying "down". She is so stinking proud of herself and gives me the biggest grin when she knows she has it right. Now, this isn't one of the signs we have been working on forever... I just looked this one up a few days ago so that she could use it when she gets stuck somewhere. I never expected her to learn and use it so rapidly. Especially since she has never signed anything other than "milk" even though we've used a handful of other signs for the past several months. (Right now she is so excited about her skills that she will not go to sleep!)

William and I have started attempting to nurse. So far he has done better than Margaret ever did. He will actually latch on and suck and swallow! I'm very hopeful that I will be able to nurse him!!! He still is not doing very well with the bottle... and this is our last hurdle before he can come home. I anticipate he will be in the hospital for at least another couple of weeks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Told you she's a genius! A little Einstein living your house ;)

And great news about William nursing! Maybe he just prefers his milk from the tap and just won't be a bottle feeder? It will take longer for him to get home eating like that but it could be well worth it in the end! Have you tried different bottles- like Second Nature, The First Years BreastFlow or Adiri BreastBottle Nurser? Just a thought- you've probably gone through all the bottles...